Business Directory Script P12884

467,40 € each (VAT included)
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This is a Business Directory System where you can include multi kind of business under multi sort of classifications. Its effectively manageable and flexible Administrative control board makes it easier to understand its work. Admin could add and control data even without any technical knowledge. It ... Read more

This is a Business Directory System where you can include multi kind of business under multi sort of classifications. Its effectively manageable and flexible Administrative control board makes it easier to understand its work. Admin could add and control data even without any technical knowledge. It gives more straightforward and compelling approach to search data by locations. The system gives opportunity to include logo, working hours, pictures, YouTube videos, website link, pictures, phone number, google maps, etc. Highly secured Business Directory was created using CodeIgniter Framework. It has multi-level user access and is fully customized.


  • Social icons used to link to your other sites and sections
  • 100% Responsive with Twitter Bootstrap 4.0.1
  • Cross browser compatible
  • 100% Object Oriented
  • Latest Codeigniter framework version 3.1.2
  • SEO friendly url
  • Auto pagination
  • Captcha integration
  • Extremely easy to integrate using our Installation Wizard
  • Reliable and secure MySQL database backend
  • Query & Server end field validation
  • Password reset facility
  • Integrated FREE Simple Contact Form
  • Customize the access, denied, register, forget password
  • Multiple user levels per user (Admin, User, Client)


  • Super admin can change site name, email, and logo
  • Approved a business
  • Verified a business
  • Can block an offensive business
  • Can Add Category, Package, Country and City
  • View list of recently registered users
  • Reset password


  • Registration
  • Login
  • Editing profile
  • Change password
  • Search business listing multiple way
  • Can be a paid user at anytime


  • Create business profile
  • Edit business profile
  • Add business, products, employee, video, map, google map, photos
  • Change account information from ?My account? menu
  • Search through all users
  • View list of user
  • Reset password
  • Multiple filtering option
  • Add Photo and Video Gallery
  • Search Business listing in multiple way
  • Client Can Upgrade their Package
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