Blog Script P128102

590,40 € each (VAT included)
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Blog Script is a very simple and powerful PHP Blog software. This product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. You can easily add and manage your posts and posting categories. This script is perfect for web designers and developers that want to empower their site and save the time on e ... Read more

Blog Script is a very simple and powerful PHP Blog software. This product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. You can easily add and manage your posts and posting categories. This script is perfect for web designers and developers that want to empower their site and save the time on editing web pages every time they want to add more news. The script is very flexible, it is written in object-oriented style, and allows web developers easily change it to suit their needs.

A Short List of Features:

  • MVC architecture and OOP programming
  • Easy installation
  • Easy post creation and editing
  • Powerful WYSIWYG Editor
  • Authors module (new module)
  • Static Pages module (new module)
  • Backup module
  • RSS Feed
  • Embedded CSS Templates
  • Multi-Browser support
  • Comments module
  • Resources module
  • Polls module
  • Categories
  • Adsense module
  • Email Templates
  • Mass Mail feature
  • Embedded Google Translator
  • Tags and Tags cloud
  • Smart Caching of posts
  • Multi-Author support
  • Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional

Script Requirements:

  • Operating System: Linux or Windows
  • Web Server: Apache or IIS
  • PHP 7.1.0 or higher with PDO extension
  • 'mod_rewrite' module enabled
  • MySQL 5.6 or higher
  • ApPHP MVC Framework 0.8.0 or higher (included)
  • ApPHP Directy CMF 2.1.0 or higher (included)
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We provide rich internet technology based enterprise mobility and business transformation solutions. We use the latest technological environment and tools for client-centric solutions. The choice of technology depends on usability of services availed by clients. Be conception, designing, development or digital promotion, we provide comprehensive solution to businesses for fulfilling their business need.

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