Real Estate Website P9945331

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633,45 € each (VAT included)
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Real Estate is a lightning fast and light weight PHP script equipped with an API using, which you can easily hook to its inner functions. You can launch a real estate website within minutes. The demo has 5000+ listings but loads within 2 seconds. You can also use it to earn passive income by promoti ... Read more

Real Estate is a lightning fast and light weight PHP script equipped with an API using, which you can easily hook to its inner functions. You can launch a real estate website within minutes. The demo has 5000+ listings but loads within 2 seconds. You can also use it to earn passive income by promoting adsense or similar ads.


  • HTML5
  • Super fast The demo has 5000+ listings but loads within 2 seconds.
  • Light weight
  • Fully Responsive design and map, i.e. the content automatically fits the viewer's computer screen.
  • Optional splash page and you can use your own as well.
  • 11 Bootstrap web themes included, which can be updated through admin options.
  • Clustering support so it can support thousands of markers without any performance issue.
  • Listings in sidebar on map mode.
  • Autocomplete city textbox automatically shows available matching cities while you are typing.
  • Disable registration for other users. For example, if you are a real estate agent and want to use it only for your own real estate listings.
  • Markers with price labels
  • Unique markers for different type of properties.
  • API available
  • Admin review option
  • Search listings by defining search criteria such as properties available on rent/lease, sale or wanted.
  • Easy to use drop-downs to refine the search.
  • GeoIP optionali.e. it will automatically zoom to your location if there is at least one listing in your city. Otherwise it will show larger region.
  • Search by keyword and/or city name.
  • Choose your default homepage i.e. Map or Text mode.
  • Multilingual, supports all major languages and RTL format.
  • Listings on Google map shows small description, price, contact info, and an image. Full description can be seen by clicking on more info link.
  • SEO support is in-built. Site admin can define SEO options in admin options.
  • Adsense ready. Easily add adsense or other advertisements through admin options.
  • PayPal integrated. Members can buy featured listings for the price and duration set by the site admin.
  • Admin can set a listing as featured or top listing.
  • Select custom address or location through map while adding/editing listing. This is very helpful as sometimes Google doesn't recognize an address. So you can define your own address easily.
  • RSS feed enabled.
  • Facebook connect integrated i.e. you can allow facebook users to log-in/register to your site easily.
  • Add/Edit/Delete custom pages with rich text editor. Those pages will be shown automatically in the top menu.
  • Registration protected by captcha.
  • Option to notify admin when a new listing is posted or existing one has been edited.
  • Show/Hide the sidebar in map view.
  • Bigger info windows when clicked on a map marker.
  • Link to favorite listings
  • Unique marker for featured listings on map.
  • Free updates.
  • Powered by Ajax and jQuery hence faster and gives better user experience.
  • Unlimited skins as site admin can easily change colors of different section of website and they will be instantly updated. Search form field themes included too.
  • Fully functional contact form, with minimum required settings on contact us and listing page.
  • Members can easily regiser to the website.
  • Forgot password option to retrieve forgotten passwords and usernames.
  • Each member can have a unique profile with an avatar.
  • Admin can ban or delete any member anytime.
  • Listing is marked as viewed in visitors browser after she has viewed that listing. This helps in avoiding confusion about what listings are yet to be seen. The tag remains intact even if the visitor visits the website after few days.
  • The visitor can like a listing by clicking on the Like button. This helps user in pin pointing the properties he/she is interested in even if he/she visits the website after few days.
  • Contact form protected by reCaptcha to aviod spam, if reCaptcha settings are defined in admin options.
  • Listings and pictures can be easily added using add listing form.
  • Member can edit or delete her listing anytime.
  • Friendly URLs option can be enabled through admin option.
  • Title, description and keywords are automatically generated for each listing.
  • Site admin can define number of days after which the listings that are not marked as permanent would be automatically deleted from the website. Listings marked as permanent would stay intact.
  • Admin can define a custom price range to be shown in search form and add listing form for properties available on rent or sale.
  • Site admin can easily add/edit and update language translations.
  • Ability to add analytic code in footer through admin options.
  • Works fine for bigger screen smartphones but may not be suitable for smaller screen devices.
  • Contact address can be added or edited anytime through admin options.
  • Easily update website logo or title in the header.
  • Easily add social icons in the footer.
  • Easily update website footer.
  • Easily embed it in any website.
  • Easy to install using 2 step installer.
  • Full help and documentation available in the package.
  • Feel free to contact me in case of any problem or issue.
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